French Lick Springs Hotel Point Paper

Object: French Lick Springs Hotel point paper for a linen damask tablecloth

Object: French Lick Springs Hotel point paper for a linen damask tablecloth

Object: French Lick Springs Hotel point paper for a linen damask tablecloth

This wonderful design is printed on point paper; each square on the paper corresponds to a card, and these cards are fed into the Jacquard loom, producing the finished design.  It was digitised in the museum’s conservation studio.

The French Licks Spring Hotel opened in 1845 in Indiana, USA, and an order for table linen was received in 1931 by William Liddell, Donaghcloney.  It shows just how far-reaching the Irish linen industry was!

The design was painted by E. Craig, and cut by A Armstrong in Donaghcloney.

The point paper was one of a number of paints added to the collection in 2019.

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