Mapping the Swanzy Riots, 1920

This interactive map provides a visual overview, for the first time, of the extent of the rioting in Lisburn in summer 1920. It is a companion to The Swanzy Riots Exhibition (launched 2020). The map draws on material from Pearse Lawlor’s 2009 The burnings 1920 (Mercier Press), and a database of 300+ compensation claims made in connection with the riots in 1920/21 and compiled by the Irish Linen Centre & Lisburn Museum.

The map is a collaboration between the Museum, Charlie Roche (MobileGIS, associated cartographer/researcher for University College Cork’s Atlas of the Irish Revolution), Pat Geary (local historian and author of the Lisburn and the Great War Research Project) and Pearse Lawlor, author of The Burnings 1920.

The map was designed and executed by Charlie Roche.

The database of 300+ compensation claims is available here.

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