The Virtual Museum is open…

The Virtual Museum - Lisburn Museum

Welcome to the Virtual Museum

The Covid-19 pandemic forced the Museum to close its doors in late March 2020.  It was time to stay at home, and practice social distancing.

Although the Museum building closed, the museum service remained open to online visitors.  The Museum went digital.  It became the #VirtualMuseum.

Visit this page and our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) and enjoy:

  • Local history and stories
  • Collections..lots and lots, with highlights from the Museum’s store
  • Free teaching and educational resources
  • Photographs and Videos
  • Virtual tours
  • Activities for everyone
  • Live Q&As
  • ..and much more!

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#VirtualMuseum #LCCC #Lisburn #Castlereagh #MuseumFromHome #IrishMuseums

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