Quay Street, Lisburn, including the Lisburn Amateur Boxing clubroom, c. 1950 (ILC&LM Collection)
Some people told us that their memories of Bridge Street included walking down to the Lisburn Amateur Boxing clubroom on Quay Street. This photo, taken from Hancock Street, shows the old quay on the River Lagan where ‘lighters’ (barges) dropped off or loaded up with supplies. Bridge Street is to the left, while Castle Gardens and the spire of Lisburn Cathedral can be seen in the background. To the right is the clubroom, and you may be able to make out the sign above the door that says ‘Boxing Tournament’. Did you ever witness a ’bout’ at the quay, or go to one of their regular social evenings?
Advert for boxing tournament at the quay clubroom (Lisburn Standard, 23 December 1949)