Talk by Eamon Phoenix and Philip Orr on Ethical Remembering March 15th 2016 Lisburn Museum

Talk by Eamon Phoenix and Philip Orr on Ethical Remembering, March 15th 2016, Lisburn Museum

Talk by Eamon Phoenix and Philip Orr on Ethical Remembering

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council’s Good Relations Programme cordially invites you along to a Talk by Eamon Phoenix and Philip Orr on Ethical Remembrance in light of the Decade of Centenaries.  Eamon and Philip will be  examining two of major events which took place between April and July 1916. The Easter Rising in Dublin and the Battle of the Somme. The event aims to look at how communities remember events and what influence diverse ideas on remembrance have on modern views of historical events.

Dr Eamon Phoenix

Dr. Eamon Phoenix is a social and political historian specialising in Irish history and is a prominent figure in Northern Ireland. A former research fellow at the Institute of Irish Studies, Queen’s University, Belfast and sometimes Archivist at St Malachy’s College, Belfast, he has published a number of scholarly articles on modern Irish history and a school textbook. He has written extensively on historical issues for the Irish Times and Irish News and is a well-known broadcaster. He is continuing research into Northern Irish Nationalism and its leadership.

Philip Orr

Philip Orr is author of a number of books and dramas that deal with aspects of Irish history, especially the Irish experience of World War One and the politics and culture of radical Protestants in the 18th century. He has been involved recently in projects focusing on history and identity, mostly but not solely, with Northern Ireland’s loyalist community.

Event Details:

7.00PM – 9.00PM,

Irish Linen Centre & Lisburn Museum

Light refreshments will be supplied upon arrival. Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

To book a place for the evening of talks, please contact:
Lynsey Gray, Good Relations Officer,
Tel: 028 9049 4522 or Email:


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