Sir Richard Wallace Bicentenary 1818-2018

Sir Richard Wallace – Bicentenary

2018 marks the bicentenary of the birth of Sir Richard Wallace (1818-90), the famed philanthropist, art collector, landlord and M.P. for Lisburn.  As part of a wider series of events across Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council, which includes a Family Fun Day in Wallace Park, the museum is celebrating the bicentenary with a programme of events including a major exhibition, workshops, 3D printing and scanning project, tours and talks.  View our full programme below:

Museum Events

[add_eventon_el el_title="Wallace Bicentenary: Museum Events" event_type_2="71" accord="yes" show_et_ft_img="yes" number_of_months="12" evc_open="no" hide_mult_occur="yes" ]

Council Programme

Lisburn Castlereagh Programme of Events Rochard Wallace Bicentenary 2018
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