A huge thank you to our visitors for their support – this has been our most successful Autumn Events Programme to date!
About the Programme
The museum launched its fifth annual events programme in September 2018. The programme marked a number of significant anniversaries, including the end of the Great War and the granting of ‘votes for women’ in 1918, through to the bicentenary of the birth of sir richard Wallace (1818-90), the subject of the museum’s major new exhibition. The programme featured talks, performances, film screenings, a panel discussion, arts and crafts workshops and our Victorian santa. Highlights included:
- 18th September – Talk: Baroness May Blood, Weaving the fabric of life: from the mill to the House of Lords
- 1 October – Panel Discussion: Dr Margaret Ward, Dr Evelyn Collins, Sandra Corkin and Deirdre McBride, Women, 100 years after the Vote
- 21 November – Talk: Dr Ciaran Toal, Lisburn Suffrage, Mrs Metge and the
Cathedral Bomb - 29 November – Talk: Suzanne Higgott, Curator, Wallace Collection, Sir Richard Wallace, ‘the most fortunate man of his day’
- 1 December – Performance: Philip Orr, Celebrating Armistice: Hoping for Peace
An event reflecting on the end of the Great War (1914-18) - 15 December: Performance: featuring Dynamic Brass, Colin Sloan and Ursual Byrne, Christmas Cracker