During the current lockdown, Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council has been working hard behind the scenes to deliver services to the community. As our colleagues work to keep communications, IT, waste, admin and community support services going, the museum team has brought some its services online via the Virtual Museum (see: lisburnmuseum.com/virtual-museum). Staff are also continuing to take care of the museum building and the collection, developing our archives, furthering research, conserving costume and working on some damask designs for our 2021 exhibition programme.
Covid 19 and Me
The ‘Covid 19 and Me’ research project is a significant component of the Virtual Museum, and continues the Museum’s broader ethos of participant-based practice. The initiative is the Museum’s way of keeping participants involved and engaged in the Museum and its work. Museums may exist because of their collections but it is its visitors and the local community that keep museums relevant and alive. Please encourage children, teenagers, parents and grandparents to record their experiences. This is a period of history for us like no other, and when life gets back to normal this archive will be a record of the challenges, emotions and practical ways in which Covid-19 impacted life in Northern Ireland. Stay connected. Stay safe.
Submit your story here.
Until we welcome you back into Lisburn Museum please keep in touch, via our social media channels or email: ilc.reception@lisburncastlereagh.gov.uk
Collette Brownlee