Great news for the Irish Linen Centre & Lisburn Museum: our Museum Accreditation has been renewed!
What is Museum Accreditation?
The Accreditation Scheme
The Accreditation Scheme sets nationally agreed standards for museums in the UK. There are currently just under 1,800 museums participating in the scheme, demonstrating their commitment to managing collections effectively for the enjoyment and benefit of users.
The scheme is regarded as one of the most innovative and effective developments in the museum sector. It has led the way in raising museum standards in the UK, and has been used as a model and source of inspiration for similar schemes overseas.
The scheme is administered the Northern Ireland Museums Council.
The Benefits of taking part in the Accreditation Scheme
Accreditation enables museums and governing bodies to assess their current performance, and it supports them in planning and developing their services. It helps with:
Performance – A quality standard that serves as an authoritative benchmark for assessing performance, rewarding achievement and driving improvement.
Profile – It raises awareness and understanding of museums, so building confidence and credibility both within the governing body and among the public.
People – It helps museums to improve their focus on meeting users’ needs and interests and developing their workforce.
Partnerships – It helps museums to examine their services and to encourage joint working within and between organisations.
Planning – It helps with forward planning by formalising procedures and policies.
Patronage – It demonstrates that the museum has met a national standard, which strengthens applications for public and private funding and gives investors confidence in the organisation.
Source: NIMC