Lisnagarvey Hockey Club and the First World War
In preparing for the Irish Linen Centre & Lisburn Museum’s major exhibition ‘The Somme, Our Story’ (opened July 2016), the museum has been conducting research into the men who played for, or had close connections to, Lisnagarvey Hockey Club and the First World War (1914-18).
To date, this work has revealed that approximately 48 men from the club volunteered for service, with at least ten members losing their lives. Further, the museum has identified an additional two winners of the Military Cross (a gallantry award reserved for officers) from Lisnagarvey, meaning members of the club were rewarded a remarkable six MCs during the First World War.
The museum, along with the club, are keen to expand on this research, and are keen to hear from club members – past or present – who have further information on the following individuals:
- Allen, Dick (Brother, Magheralave Road)
- Allen, W.G. (Brother, Magheralave Road)
- Boyd, Ernest (Brother, 12 Largymore Rd)
- Boyd , Stanley (Brother, 12 Largymore Rd)
- Campbell, H
- Fullerton, D.J
- Harrison, Joe
- Harvey, Gordon
- Hobson, Jack
- Hull, W. W.
- Smith, E.M.
- Thompson, C.
- Tyler, Walter
- Wilson, William J.
If you have more information on any of these names, or, indeed, stories, photographs, or objects relating to the club and the First World War then please get in touch with: or Davy Henderson, at Lisnagarvey.