
The Follies Trust Lecture at Lisburn Museum Thursday 26th October featuring Dr Edward McParland

The Follies Trust

Lecture in Lisburn Museum

Thursday 26th October 2017


‘In praise of Follies’

An appreciation of Irish Follies

By Dr Edward McParland

Fellow and Pro-Chancellor of Trinity College Dublin

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Ireland’s leading architectural historian, noted author and brilliant lecturer in an event organised by the Follies Trust to assist in architectural conservation work.

£10 charge, with glass of wine and a free publication.


About the Follies Trust

The Follies Trust exists to try to secure the preservation and protection of unusual and interesting historic landmark structures often described as follies, which were usually erected to enhance the beauty of landscapes, gardens, townscapes, graveyards and parkland. The Trust also works actively to promote interest in and appreciation of these structures which tend to become neglected because they may have no specific use other than being decorative

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