COVID-19 Info for public

COVID-19 Council Services & Facilities FAQs

In light of the current COVID-19 situation, we would like to assure you that Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council prioritises the welfare and safety of our community.  We are continuing to deliver our services and open our facilities as normal.

We would like to assure our customers that we are following Public Health Agency (PHA) and government guidance at all times to play our part in delaying the spread of this virus. Below we have put together some information we hope will address any concerns our residents/visitors may have.

What is the Council doing to keep its facilities clean?

All of our facilities have hot water and soap for use in all public locations for customers to wash their hands for the recommended 20s period by the PHA.  We have placed the relevant PHA hand washing posters in our public toilets.

We are undertaking enhanced regular cleaning to all our facilities during and after opening hours.

How is the Council preparing for the likely impact of the virus?

As the local authority for Lisburn & Castlereagh, we have a responsibility to ensure that we fulfil our role in assisting central government to tackle the current issue of COVID-19.

Key personnel are meeting regularly to ensure we are prepared for the current situation and have contingency plans in place to maintain essential services and assist in the wider response.

Should there be a change in guidance regarding use of public facilities and public events we will follow and promote any amendments we may make.

I have booked a council facility for an event I am hosting.  What do I do?

In these mitigating circumstances, the council is keen to work with its groups, customers, partners and clients.  We understand that given the scale of your event and the consideration of the health of your participants/attendees that you may make the decision to cancel or postpone your booking.

If this were the case, we would ask that you contact the relevant council facility booking team no less than 24 hours before your event.  As a council, we want to work with those who book our facilities and together we can discuss availability at alterative suitable times and dates or proportionate refund of hire costs.

Council events and events in council facilities

At present, we plan to continue with our scheduled events and this will only change in accordance with official government guidelines.  Third parties provide shows, exhibitions and events in our facilities; and the event organiser will determine the provision of them.  We encourage you to keep in regular contact with their online channels.

I am due to attend an event being held within the Council’s facilities – will it still proceed?

Any decision to cancel or postpone an event will be a decision taken by the event organiser.  As such, you should contact them directly in the first instance.  Should we be made aware of planned cancellations, we will work with the provider to share that message across our various social media platforms.

I’d like further information from the Council, what is the best way to make contact?

For Museum enquirers please call 028 9266 3377 or email 

As the council remains fully operational, please contact us by telephone Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm on 028 9244 7300 or email  We will also continue to keep our residents updated on our social media pages (Facebook @LisburnCastlereagh and Twitter@lisburnccc) as well as our website

For up-to-date information on COVID-19 please log onto the Public Health Agency site.

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